Monday, 11 November 2013

Mr. Couch and Mr. Dodds - Lacrosse!

Our grade 2 and 3 classes were lucky to have a special guest to teach us the history of Canada's national summer game--lacrosse. Our special guest was Jim Calder author of he book, Lacrosse- The Ancient Game. He is also a former member of Canada's national lacrosse team.

The game of lacrosse is part of the First Nations creation story. It is considered a medicine game, as it was used to solve problems between villages and the exercise made everyone feel good!
Jim told us a legend in which the animals played lacrosse, but the squirrel and the bat were excluded because they were too small. However, the birds let them play and they helped the birds win the game.
The moral of the story is, everyone has a special gift to share!

Facts about Lacrosse

-Lacrosse is Canada's official summer game
-The modern rules were developed in 1867 almost 150 years ago
-Lacrosse modern rules were developed in Montreal
-It was originally played by First Nations people and other native Americans across North America 
-Goals were 5 km apart and involved 1000 people per team!
-1637 was the first recorded game by a Jesuit priest named Breboeuf

The Tradition and Craft of Stick Making

-Sticks take a year to make
-There are only about 6-7 stickmakers left in the First Nations
- The art of stick making is extremely important in the First Nations culture.
-We saw sticks that were over 100 years old! 
-Sticks were made out of hickory by the stick maker
-The wood had to be steamed to be bent into its shape
-Groundhog or woodchucks leather were originally used to make the net on the stick

Alf E. Jacques Onondaga nation - stick maker notice his mark on the stick, it is like an artists signature. The hawk is a symbol that is important to Jim

The ball in the picture is over 100 years old! It is made of deer hide and stuffed with Spanish moss.

The round dark stick is over 100 years old and was used by the Seminole nation, which is located in the state of Florida. 
Here are some replicas of lacrosse sticks. The stick with the red stripes is a replica of a stick from about 1810.

We were taught some skills of Lacrosse. We were taught to scoop the ball, cradle the ball and the we played a game where we had to shoot the ball.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Mr. Couch - Personal Safety Health Unit

We've just completed our first Health unit that covered Personal Safety.  Our job was to identify Safety Hazards and understand Safety Rules to apply in these situations.  Also, it was important to know who could help us in different safety situations.

For example;

Safety Hazard                                  Safety Rule                                Who Can Help Me

Riding my bike                                 -Always wear a helmet                -Parents and Relatives
-I could fall                                      -Follow traffic rules                     -Police                    
-Traffic                                            -Ride in a safe place

Additionally, we also discussed Kitchen Safety (don't use the oven without proper supervision, don't touch cleaning supplies, etc.), Fire Safety, Walking to School Safely and Internet Safety (do not provide personal information, proper supervision, etc.).

Please continue to review these safety rules and safety precautions with your child at regular intervals.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

Coming up;

-Fitness Circuits
-Target Games

Now that the weather is changing, please ensure that your child has a pair of proper fitting shoes, that are for indoor use only.  Thanks!

Mr. Couch

Monday, 21 October 2013

MR. MOURATIDIS - student reflection on overall HPE participation - RUBRIC

To all parents,

As part of the process in identifying your son/daughter progress in HPE , they will be completing a reflection on how well they have participated in my classroom.  A copy of it can be found below.


 Name:  _________________________        Room: __________           
Look at all 3 components of this rubric and circle the comments that best identify which level you have consistently shown in H.P.E. class so far this year.  Be prepared to discuss your choices with your teacher.  Use a pencil!
       Level 1
              Level 2
    Level 3
    Level 4

Rarely :
-show consideration for others
- invite/encourage other

-stay on task

-show considerations for others
-invite / encourage others
-stay on task

-show considerations for others
-invite / encourage others
-stay on task

-show considerations for others
-invite / encourage others
-stay on task

Rarely :
-show patience with others of different abilities
-use appropriate language
- treat other genders equally(boy/girl)
-treat others of varying skills equally

-show patience with others of different abilities
-use appropriate language
- treat other genders equally(boy/girl)
-treat others of varying skills equally

-show patience with others of different abilities
-use appropriate language
- treat other genders equally(boy/girl)
-treat others of varying skills equally

-show patience with others of different abilities
-use appropriate language
- treat other genders equally(boy/girl)
-treat others of varying skills equally
Rarely :
-follow safety procedures
-use equipment safely

-follow safety procedures
-use equipment safely

-follow safety procedures
-use equipment safely

-follow safety procedures
-use equipment safely

PROGRESS REPORT – DATE-____________________    
TEACHER _____________

MR. MOURATIDIS - upcoming health tests - Grade 4 & 5

My students have been working through their health unit the past couple of weeks and we are preparing for the upcoming test.

The worksheets that they have been completing in class will be sent home on Thursday , October 24.

Students are asked to study for their test from their own completed worksheet over the weekend.

The health tests will occur on Tuesday , October 29 ( Day 9 ) or Wednesday, October 30 ( Day 10) - whichever day they have HPE class.


 Below is a copy of the GRADE 4 WORKSHEET


Name:______________________________   Room : _________

What is Addiction ? (Definition) - ____________________________________

Dangerous Chemicals Found in Cigarettes
1.    _______________________________________________________

Short Term Effects of Smoking
1.    ________________________________________________________

Long Term Effects of Smoking
6. _________________________________________________________
7. _________________________________________________________
Skills to use to maintain healthy choices related to tobacco use:

Who can you go to for help when you are having problems? ( emergency situation, bullying, violent situation)
6. _________________________________________________________
7. _________________________________________________________

You meet a friend near the mall.  They are trying to smoke cigarettes that they took from their home. They offer you a cigarette to smoke with them.  What do you say and do? ___________________________________________________


Below is a copy of the grade 5 worksheet


Name: ___________________________  Room # ____________

What is Bullying?  ___________________________________________________________
What is excluding? __________________________________________________________
Who can you go to for help when you are having problems? ( emergency situation, bullying, violent situation)
7. _________________________________________________________

How would you feel if:  (Write sentences in detail)
Your classmates did not let you play in games during recess? _________________________________________________________________________
If somebody in the school was bothering you during lunchtime for a whole week.
If your classmates never want you to be with them for group work in class.  
If nobody wanted to sit with you or beside you in the lunch room. 
Personal Skills

Talking – using the proper words to communicate what you feel and want to cay
Self-monitoring – being able to look at yourself and your actions objectively
Anger management – being able to control and manage your anger

InterPersonal Skills

Conflict resolution – being able to work things out
Assertiveness – Standing up for yourself and your point of view/opinion
Refusal skills – being able to say “no” in a variety of ways that doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable or make the other person upset

Safety Strategies
Having a Plan -
Think before Acting -
Looking Confident -
Being Aware of your Surroundings -

Kids Help Phone  - 1 800 668-6868
If you were at the park on a Sunday, and a group of kids began to bother you because of the  color of your skin.  What strategy would you use in this situation?  What would you do and say?

During recess, you were playing 4-squares and a couple of classmates were making fun of you because you were not good at it.  What strategy would you use in this situation?  What would you do and say?
During lunch , you notice that your friend is consistently being bothered/bullied by a group of kids.  What strategy would you use in this situation?  What would you do and say?

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Mr. Dodds - Grade 3's learn the game of lacrosse

On November 7 and 8 we are having a special visitor come to Thorncliffe Park to work with all of our Grade 3 classes. Jim Calder is a former Team Canada lacrosse player, author of the book Lacrosse: The Ancient Game and a member of the Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Fame.

He will get a chance to meet with each class for 50-60 minutes over the 2 day session. Jim will give our students a brief history of lacrosse in Canada and how it relates to our First Nations people. Each class will have an opportunity to practice basic skills and use these skills in a fun game at the end.

We are looking forward to Mr. Calder's visit and thank him for this special experience.

Friday, 27 September 2013

Mr. Mouratidis

September 27, 2013

Hello Parents and students,

Welcome to my first blog!

My students ( gr. 4 & 5 )  are currently working through the handball unit.  We will be evaluating their throwing and catching skills in the near future.

My grade 1 students ( Ms. Mabey class & Ms. Karavidas' class)  are working on safety in the gymnasium, and locomotion/travelling skills.  Students will be evaluated shortly in this area.

Looking forward -  our next unit of study will be Health.

The grade 1's will be :1.  identifying the four food groups and give examples of foods in each group
                                  2. describe ways to care for their teeth

The grade 4's will be examining the curriculum expectations below :

– identify people (e.g., parents, guardians, neighbors, teachers) and community agencies (e.g., Kids’ Help Phone) that can
assist with injury prevention, emergency situations, and violence prevention;
Substance Use and Abuse
– identify the major harmful substances found in tobacco and explain the term addiction;
– describe the short- and long-term effects of first- and second-hand smoke, and identify the advantages of being smoke free;
– apply decision-making and assertiveness skills to make and maintain healthy choices related to tobacco use, and recognize
factors that can influence decisions to smoke or to abstain from smoking (e.g., the media, family members, friends, laws).

The grade 5's will be examining the curriculum expectations below:

– explain how people’s actions (e.g., bullying, excluding others) can affect the feelings and reactions of others;
– apply strategies (e.g., anger management, assertiveness, conflict resolution) to deal with personal-safety and injury-prevention situations (e.g., swarming, threatening, harassment);

Evaluation on these Health units is being planned for the week of October 21-25.

If you have any questions, please contact me through the school at 416 396-2460. Leave a message with the office staff and I will contact you shortly afterwards. You can also send a note with your child to school.

I look forward to a great year of fun and learning in my classroom(the gymnasium) with the kids!

Angelo Mouratidis
Health & Physical Education
Thorncliffe Park P.S.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Mr. Couch - Welcome Information (Gr. 1/2, 2, 3)


We have almost completed an entire month of school here at Thorncliffe and I thought I would take a moment to provide a few reminders for Gym and provide an overview for what's coming up next.

Clean Indoor Running Shoes

When participating in Gym, students are required to wear clean, safe running shoes.  They should have one pair of shoes/boots for outside and one pair of shoes for inside the gym and their classroom.

Running shoes should have a rubber sole and should fit your child.  Shoes that are too big or too small are extremely uncomfortable and are a safety issue.  Ensure that if your child cannot tie their laces, that you help them with this at home.  Until they are comfortable tying their own shoes, I would recommend purchasing velcro shoes.

Sandals, dress shoes, shoes with hard soles, boots and soccer cleats, are not permitted in the gym and are not safe for participating in Gym class.  Soccer cleats in particular, should not be purchased as everyday shoes as they are unsafe on hard surfaces and are not built for long wear.

Doing Well in Gym

There are a number of fundamental movement strategies and physical skills that students learn in Gym, however the key elements listed below, will ensure your child's success in class.

-Listening and Following Instructions
-Participating Positively and Cooperating
-Always Being Safe
-Always Trying Their Best

Reminding your child of these things, will ensure their success in all classes at school.

Current Skills and Games

Currently in Gym, we are focusing on Cooperative Games, Moving Safely in the Gym and Following Instructions.  We play a number of games to reinforce these important skills, including Tag Games, Relays, Movement Games and Problem Solving.  Each month, we will begin a new unit and focus for our students, stay tuned to see what we are working on, and feel free to review with your student the same skills.

Health Education

Throughout the year, we will be learning about a variety of Health topics that range from Healthy Eating and Nutrition, Safety, Substances and Safety and Growth and Development.  Stay tuned for links to important information regarding these topics

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact me at