Friday, 27 September 2013

Mr. Mouratidis

September 27, 2013

Hello Parents and students,

Welcome to my first blog!

My students ( gr. 4 & 5 )  are currently working through the handball unit.  We will be evaluating their throwing and catching skills in the near future.

My grade 1 students ( Ms. Mabey class & Ms. Karavidas' class)  are working on safety in the gymnasium, and locomotion/travelling skills.  Students will be evaluated shortly in this area.

Looking forward -  our next unit of study will be Health.

The grade 1's will be :1.  identifying the four food groups and give examples of foods in each group
                                  2. describe ways to care for their teeth

The grade 4's will be examining the curriculum expectations below :

– identify people (e.g., parents, guardians, neighbors, teachers) and community agencies (e.g., Kids’ Help Phone) that can
assist with injury prevention, emergency situations, and violence prevention;
Substance Use and Abuse
– identify the major harmful substances found in tobacco and explain the term addiction;
– describe the short- and long-term effects of first- and second-hand smoke, and identify the advantages of being smoke free;
– apply decision-making and assertiveness skills to make and maintain healthy choices related to tobacco use, and recognize
factors that can influence decisions to smoke or to abstain from smoking (e.g., the media, family members, friends, laws).

The grade 5's will be examining the curriculum expectations below:

– explain how people’s actions (e.g., bullying, excluding others) can affect the feelings and reactions of others;
– apply strategies (e.g., anger management, assertiveness, conflict resolution) to deal with personal-safety and injury-prevention situations (e.g., swarming, threatening, harassment);

Evaluation on these Health units is being planned for the week of October 21-25.

If you have any questions, please contact me through the school at 416 396-2460. Leave a message with the office staff and I will contact you shortly afterwards. You can also send a note with your child to school.

I look forward to a great year of fun and learning in my classroom(the gymnasium) with the kids!

Angelo Mouratidis
Health & Physical Education
Thorncliffe Park P.S.

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